Jenny Mollen: Live Fast Die Hot

Live Fast Die Hot

Author: Jenny Mollen
Number of Pages: 272 pages
Published Date: 14 Jun 2016
Publisher: Doubleday Books
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9780385540698
Download Link: Click Here

By the "New York Times" bestselling author, an outrageous collection of personal essays about adulthood, responsibility, and other potential disasters Jenny Mollen is a writer and actress living in New York. Until two years ago, her life was exciting, sexy, a little eccentric, and one hundred percent impulsive. She had a husband who embraced her crazy who understood her need to occasionally stalk around the house in his ex-girlfriend s old beach caftans, or to invite their drug dealer to Passover Seder (so he wouldn t feel like they were only using him for drugs).Then they had their son, Sid, and overnight, Jenny was forced to grow up: to be responsible, to brush her hair, to listen to her voicemail. "Live Fast Die Hot "is a collection of stories about what happens when you realize that some things are more important than crafting the perfect tweet. It follows Jenny to Morocco, where she embarks on a quest to prove to herself that she can travel alone without reenacting a plotline from "Taken." It shows her confronting demons most of them from childhood, a few from the spirit realm. And it culminates in Peru, where Jenny decides that maybe the cure for her worries lies at the bottom of a cup of ayahuascha. Hilarious, outlandish, and surprisingly affecting, "Live Fast Die Hot "reminds you that even if you aren t cut out for adulthood, at least you can be better than your mother."